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Board of Education Monthly Meeting Summary: January 27

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The Edwardsville Community Unit School District #7 Board of Education met on Monday, January 27, 2025, in the Liberty Middle School Auditorium for its monthly board meeting.  

These are not the official meeting minutes and do not include every detail from the meeting but rather a summary to assist the District #7 community. The official minutes can be found on the District #7 Board of Education Board Docs once approved by the Board. 

From the superintendent’s report:  

The Board held a retreat on Saturday, discussing:  

  • The new District #7 Strategic Plan Dashboard, developed with input from the Strategic Plan Steering Committee, which highlights key data points and metrics for each of the five strategic goals. 

  • The potential of a media center project at EHS and the work of the transportation study and school start times. More information on both topics will be forthcoming. 

  • The next District #7 Discussion will be held on Friday, Jan. 31 at 7 a.m. Since September, Dr. Shelton has held small discussion groups to gather feedback on District #7 initiatives. If interested in attending later this week, please contact Carey Franics at 618-656-1182 or  

District #7 has announced a new partnership with Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers. Raising Canes will sponsor a number of District #7 events through their Cane’s Challenges and Buy One Get One Free events, as well as providing the district with a generous donation.  

District #7 will hold a Kindergarten Kickoff on Wednesday, February 5, at each of its six primary schools at 6 p.m. (Hamel will begin at 7:15 p.m.). During this event, parents will learn about kindergarten in District #7 and tour the building. Students must be five years old on or before September 1, 2025, to register for the 2025-26 school year. 

In action, the board approved:  

  • The asbestos abatement bid for the secured entry projects at Hamel and Nelson Elementary Schools from AC Environmental in the base bid amount of $25,917.00. The District received bids from five responsive bidders. The scope of work to be performed this summer under this contract at Nelson includes asbestos abatement of pipe insulation in plumbing chases and heat method asbestos abatement of floor tile under the walls and at Hamel asbestos abatement of transite soffit and fascia on the exterior entrance of the building to prepare each of the schools for new secured entries. 

  • An Intergovernmental Agreement between the District and the Edwardsville Public Library to provide library services to any students who attend District #7 but live outside an area not served by another public library system. 

  • A resolution supporting Vision 2030, a roadmap and advocacy platform to ensure excellence in education in Illinois. Vision 2030 was developed through a collaborative effort led by the Illinois Association of School Administrators (IASA), Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB), Illinois Principals Association (IPA), Illinois Association of School Business Officials (Illinois ASBO), and Illinois Association of Regional School Superintendents (IARSS), and focuses on three main tenets: future-focused learning, shared accountability, and predictable funding for public schools in Illinois. 

  • Student trips outside the continental United States for EHS group trips including an exchange trip to Germany from July 2, 2025, through July 23, 2025, for 15 students in grades 9-12; and the EHS band to London, England from December 27, 2025, through January 3, 2026, for approximately 163 students grades 9-12. 

  • A multi-year contract for EHS principal Alex Fox, beginning with the 2025-26 school year.  

Next Meetings:  
Monday, Feb. 10 – Board of Education work session (6 p.m. at Liberty Middle School) 
Monday, Feb. 24– Board of Education monthly meeting (7 p.m. at Liberty Middle School) 

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