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Board of Education Special Meeting Summary

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The Edwardsville Community Unit School District #7 Board of Education held its annual Board Retreat June 13-14, 2024.  

These are not the official meeting minutes and do not include every detail from the meeting but rather a summary to assist the District #7 community. The official minutes can be found on the District #7 Board of Education Board Docs once approved by the Board. 

Strategic Plan Update  
The Board was provided with an update of the 2022-27 Strategic Plan, highlighting accomplishments during the 2023-24 school year and outlining goals and priorities for the 2024-25 school year. All five goal areas were discussed, including Student Success (Goal 1), Thriving Workforce (Goal 2), Safe and Supportive School Climate (Goal 3), Family and Community Engagement (Goal 4), and Efficient and Effective Operations (Goal 5).  

Bond Facility Update / Upcoming Facility Projects 
An updated timeline of projects (both in Phase 1 and Phase 2) and costs associated with the $100 million dollar bond referendum passed in April 2023 was shared. The district initially issued $89 million in bonds. Updated cost estimates for phase 1 projects were presented, and the Board requested more detailed and certain estimates for both phase 1 and phase 2 projects. Dr. Shelton will provide another update at the mid-year retreat in January 2025.  

The Board also reviewed and discussed facility projects throughout the district not associated with the bond.  

Woodland Elementary School - School Improvement Plan 
The Woodland Elementary School Improvement Team has been working on its plan which will be on file with the Illinois State Board of Education. The plan documents data analysis of the Illinois State Report Card for Woodland and provides an action plan with objects, strategies, and activities/action. The team will present their school improvement plan to the Board during the August monthly meeting.  

Student Handbook Review 

  • The district will continue with the 5-5-5 policy (5 mental health days, 5 excused medical/sick days, 5 personal days (college visits, vacation, etc.). 

  • The use of cell phones and similar devices during the instructional school day is prohibited.  

  • The 2024-25 student handbook will include the addition of partial Behavior Matrix and updated prohibited conducts to align with the Matrix.  

  • Among major changes to the 2024-25 student handbook include:  

  • Food for special events 

  • Request for a nonresident student admission (a nonresident student who is the child of a district employee may be approved for nonresident admission) 

  • Extracurricular activities eligibility (homeschool and nonpublic school students shall be eligible to participate, subject to the conditions listed in the handbook) 

IASB Resolutions 
The Board reviewed two possible IASB Resolution submissions, including school start times and policy regarding the use of student owned wireless devices, specifically when used during instructional time.  

The proposed resolution for school start times would recommend later school start times for middle and high schools. Impacts for District #7 include transportation, coaching/sports, before and after school programming and Kid Zone.  

The district will conduct a thorough analysis of financial/community impacts of changing the start times and report back to the Board in Summer 2025. 

The Board recommended moving forward with the proposed resolution advocating for limited wireless communication access during instructional time. 

EEA/D7 Listening Session Outcomes 
The results of the ThoughtExchange survey with district staff were reviewed, and the action steps to address the primary concerns expressed during listening sessions and through the survey, which will be implemented in the 2024-25 school year, were shared.