May Construction Update
As the school year ends, construction and projects related to the $100 million dollar bond referendum, passed in April 2023, will continue and, in some cases, ramp up. Additionally, the City of Edwardsville will be working on projects near Lincoln Middle School.
Lincoln Middle School
The new addition has started to take form over the last two months. Since spring break, the pre-cast concrete panels of the auxiliary gymnasium/storm shelter have been set into place. Immediately following this, the steel super-structure was installed, culminating with the raising of the ceremonial beam. Before the beam was raised, many students, faculty, staff, administrators, and Board of Education were offered the chance to sign it. This installation can be seen on the northwest corner of the construction, and here is a video of the beam being hoisted.
Over this summer more changes will occur, including the demolition and reconstruction of the front circle drive off West Street to become the new bus drop-off and pick-up area and the renovation of the main entrance to create a new secure entry vestibule and accessible entrance.
The footprint of the new circle drive is larger than the current one to allow proper parking and turning radii for buses. To accommodate the increased size, the trees will be removed.
In addition, the City of Edwardsville will replace the 103-year-old four-inch water main with a 12-inch line. The current main serves Lincoln Middle School but stops before reaching Schwarz Street. The new water main will connect to the existing one along IL-157 to ensure there is enough water pressure for fire safety in the schools and surrounding area.
After completing the water main project, the City will begin construction of the MEPRD (Metro East Park and Recreation District) grant funded expansion of the Route 66 Trail from St. Louis Street to Schwarz Street.
The Phase 2 design package for the renovation of the existing building and exterior site work is underway, with the expectation to be out for bid in August or September 2024. The renovation will include upgraded infrastructure (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems), new window glazing, increased building circulation, classroom upgrades, tennis courts, softball field, and improved parent drop-off/pick-up.
Midway Elementary School
The drainage project wrapped up early this year, with the sod having been established for student enjoyment by spring break.
The interior moisture levels and building settlement will be monitored over the next year. If it indicates increased levels, additional mitigation measures will be implemented.
EHS Commons
The Board of Education voted to move the project forward in March, and the construction preparations are well underway. In July, the construction manager, Holland Construction Services, will mobilize to install the perimeter construction fence and the interior barricade partition at the existing Commons. These barriers will be established before the first day of school in August. Construction will officially begin in September with the exterior excavation and expansion. The project is anticipated to be complete and ready for use in fall 2025.
Secure Entries
As the highest priority of the Bond Referendum, the secure entries were divided into two categories: 1) schools that have existing double entry vestibules and 2) schools that would need a double entry vestibule constructed.
This summer, five schools with existing double entry vestibules (Liberty Middle School, Cassens Elementary School, Goshen Elementary School, Midway Elementary School, and Worden Elementary School) will receive upgraded door hardware and access control software to begin functioning as a secure entry vestibule in fall of 2024.
For more construction updates, visit the 2023 Bond Construction Updates page.