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Bus service in District #7 is provided by First Student, Inc., one of the largest student transportation companies in the country. The District utilizes approximately 50 large buses and 26 special education vans. The average age of the buses is five (5) years, and each bus is completely equipped with safety equipment necessary to meet state and federal guidelines, including crossing arms, wheelchair lights, warning lights, etc. All buses are subject to full inspection every six months.

The District’s transportation system is designed and configured to be as efficient as possible and uses a three tier routing system.  Most buses have three routes in the morning and three in the afternoon, and as such, the high school, middle school and elementary start and dismissal times are staggered to accommodate this transportation configuration.

Each bus has an on-board digital video surveillance system.  Large buses have five video surveillance cameras, and each special education van has four video surveillance cameras.  The video surveillance systems on all buses were updated during the fall of 2018 to provide an additional camera on each bus and higher camera resolution.  The new system allows video from the buses’ digital video recorder to be uploaded via a secure WIFI network at the bus depot.

General Information