District 7 offers a comprehensive core curriculum designed to meet the needs of the individual student and is consistent with current, evidence-based best practices in instruction and state standards. The district mission and vision is to empower each student to achieve personal success by building a thriving community of learners and creating authentic, meaningful pathways to success for each student. Guided by the mission and vision, teachers and administrators as educational leaders, design a comprehensive curriculum to achieve the objective of content standard mastery for all learners.
In addition to the core academic subjects, our elementary schools also offer classes in fine and performing arts, physical education, and technology. Our secondary schools offer electives and coursework that extend the state learning standards. District 7 fosters a rich and nurturing environment that supports social and emotional development through direct instruction, consistent building expectations and culture, and various clubs, activities and organizations. Our district is proud of the highly varied extracurricular activities at the secondary level including fine and performing arts, drama, and athletic teams.
District 7 has numerous supports to assist learners with diverse academic needs. A specialized gifted program commences in third grade, while honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered at the secondary level. High school students may also participate in a series of work experience situations under teacher supervision, as well as advanced vocational courses offered through the Collinsville Area Vocational Center and Lewis and Clark Community College and early college cohorts.
Universal screening of all students in grades K-8 occurs three times per year to identify students who may need access to intervention support for learning and behavior needs. Based on progress monitoring data, interventions vary in intensity and may include WIN time (What I Need) classroom interventions, reading interventionists, reading or math seminar, Check and Connect and small group social work support, and support for Multilingual English Learners.
The District 7 Profile of a Graduate prioritizes character attributes beyond academic standards, emphasizing the development of a wider skill set among students. District 7 is committed to developing these attributes in our students and believes that building relationships with students and families is essential to achieve the mission and vision.
To learn more about the curriculum and instruction in your child’s class, please contact your child’s teacher or building principal.