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e-Learning Plan

Edwardsville District #7 e-Learning Plan 

According to Section 10-20.56 (105 ILCS 5/10‐20.56) of Illinois School Code, school districts may, by adopted resolution, utilize “E-Learning Days” in lieu of emergency days (snow days).  In addition to recent technology implementations, the E-Learning plan allows District #7 the flexibility to choose if an inclement weather day will be an emergency snow day or an E-Learning Day.  An E-Learning Day would allow the curriculum to continue and learning to occur. The E-Learning plan will be monitored, reviewed, and adjusted annually based on feedback from staff, students, and families. 

With the option of “E-Learning Days,” the following factors will be taken into consideration when deciding to cancel classes and call an “emergency day” or hold classes remotely and call an “E-Learning Day”: 

  • Time for teachers to prepare in advance for E-Learning 
  • Availability of devices and access to the internet and resources 
  • Type of emergency and duration of the closure  

Whether we use E-Learning days or emergency days will be communicated in advance. When possible, E-Learning days will be announced prior to the close of the previous school day to allow for additional communication between the student and teacher. Multiple methods of communication will be used to announce an E-Learning Day to families including email, text, and phone call. In addition, information regarding the E-Learning Day will be posted on the District #7 website, and all social media accounts. 

The E-Learning Day Team will meet regularly to answer questions, review concerns, and ensure the continued effectiveness of District #7 E-Learning Days.

General Expectations 
The State of Illinois requires a schedule that includes five hours of instruction/schoolwork during an E‐Learning Day. Teachers are expected to continue student learning activities and curriculum content and will communicate their E-Learning Day expectations to both students and parents. Teachers will report student attendance. All lessons, assignments, activities, and schedules will be accessible via Schoology, the district’s learning management system, by the time class begins.  

At the elementary level, teachers will collaborate with their grade level teams to develop activities that are in line with the expected curriculum. Synchronous meetings with students will be established to help students and families navigate learning expectations, ask questions, take attendance, and review content. Students will have asynchronous activities with their specialist class scheduled to meet that day: Art, Music, PE, and Technology. 

At the middle school and high school levels, students will follow an abbreviated version of their regular daily schedule and obtain learning tasks via Schoology. Teachers will be available to facilitate instruction, review materials, answer questions, and clarify expectations.  

Staff will be available via Teams, email, or Schoology during their regularly scheduled contractual hours to address student questions and concerns. 

Student Expectations 
Students are expected to follow the E-Learning schedule for their grade level, participate in their teachers’ virtual session, and meet their teachers’ expectations for an E-Learning Day.  Students must attend the virtual classroom session with their camera on to not be marked “Absent” for the period.  

Middle and high school students are expected to follow their class schedule (with modified times). Students are responsible for meeting their teachers’ expectations and turning in any assignments by their assigned due date & time. 

Elementary students are expected to meet with their teachers according to their teacher’s E-Learning Day schedule. Specialists will post their lessons and be available for students during the 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. session.    

All students will be able to meet with their teachers during the office hour session as needed. 

Student Attendance 
Students that are not present during their teachers Team meeting will be marked ABS (Absent).  During an E-Learning Day, parents should utilize the same procedures as a regular school day to notify the school of their student’s attendance.  Please be aware that secretaries may not be available on an E-Learning Day to alter the attendance taken by the teacher until the next in-person school day.  

IEP and 504 Accommodations 
Students with IEPs and 504 plans will be afforded all reasonable accommodations and modifications outlined in their IEP or 504. Special Education staff will be available to assist with modifications via Schoology, Clever, Teams, and other curricular platforms. Related services may provide services through synchronous or asynchronous learning.  

Multilingual English Learners 
Multilingual English Learners will be afforded all reasonable accommodations and modifications as can be provided through virtual learning and outlined as part of their typical daily supports.  Multilingual English Learner teachers will be available to assist with these accommodations via Schoology, Clever, Teams, and other curricular platforms.  


Edwardsville High School 

Early Bird 

7:30 – 7:55 a.m.  

1st period 

8:00 – 8:25 a.m.   

2nd period 

8:30 – 8:55 a.m.   

3rd period 

9:00 – 9:25 a.m.   

4th period 

9:30 – 9:55 a.m.   

5th period 

10:00 – 10:25 a.m.   

6th period 

10:30 – 10:55 a.m.   

Office Hour 

11:00 – 12:00 p.m. 


12:00 – 12:30 p.m. 

Staff available to respond to student and parent communications 

12:30 – 2:30 p.m. 


Liberty & Lincoln Middle Schools 

1st period  

Advisory will not meet   

2nd period  

8:00 – 8:25 a.m.   

3rd period  

8:30 – 8:55 a.m.    

4th period  

9:00 – 9:25 a.m.    

5th period  

9:30 – 9:55 a.m.    

6th period  

10:00 – 10:25 a.m.    

7th period  

10:30 – 10:55 a.m.    

8th period 11:00 - 11:25 a.m.

Office Hour  

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.    


12:30 – 1:30 p.m.  

Independent Student Work/Staff available for support as needed 

1:30 – 2:30 p.m.  


Elementary Schedule 

Direct Instruction/Independent Work (Math) 

9:00 – 10:00 a.m. 

Direct Instruction/Independent Work (Language Arts) 

10:00 – 11:00 a.m. 

Asynchronous instruction from specialists/office hours for classroom teachers 

11:00 – 12:00 p.m.   


12:00 – 12:30 p.m.  

Office Hour 

12:30 – 1:30 p.m. 

Independent Student Work/Staff available for support as needed 

1:30 – 3:30 p.m. 


Pre-K & Early Childhood 

Pre-K and Early Childhood teachers will prepare a packet of activities for their students to complete during an E-Learning Day.  The work in the packet should take the students 20-60 minutes to complete and may include physical activities.              


Ensuring Connectivity 
Teachers and certified staff members were issued a 2-in-1 laptop to utilize at home for instruction on E-Learning days. All K-12th grade students have district-issued laptops as well. District #7 will continue to work with families in need of internet services and provide opportunities to check out hotspots, as necessary. Building administrators will be available to provide support to families, and students throughout the E-Learning Day.  

Student Technical Concerns: 

Issues District #7 Staff can help fix: 

Issues District #7 Staff cannot help fix: 

Finding teacher’s Teams link  

Navigating Schoology and Clever 

Speakers/Microphone not working 

Username and password issues 

Submitting work in Schoology 

Not able to connect device to home Wi-Fi 

Personal device issues 

Internet provider issues 

Loss of or weak Wi-Fi connection 


Parent Technical Concerns: 

Issues District #7 Staff can help fix: 

Issues District #7 Staff cannot help fix: 

Wi-Fi Connection 

E-Learning Schedule 

Connecting district provided Hot Spots.  

How to contact your child’s Teacher on an eLearning day 

Personal device issues 

Internet provider issues 

Loss of or weak Wi-Fi connection 


Tech Support Contact Information (primary schools):
Glen Carbon Elementary 
– (618) 692-7460 ext. 12113
Goshen Elementary – (618) 655-6250 ext. 24000
Hamel Elementary – (618) 692-7444 ext. 15000
Leclaire Elementary – (618) 656-3825 ext. 13206
Midway Elementary – (618) 692-7446 ext. 16000
Nelson Elementary – (618) 656-8480 ext. 14200

Tech Support Contact Information (intermediate schools):
Albert Cassens Elementary
– (618) 655-6150 ext. 25101
Columbus Elementary – (618) 656-5167 ext. 11000
Woodland Elementary – (618) 692-8790 ext. 17100
Worden Elementary – (618) 692-7442 ext. 18000

Tech Support Contact Information (secondary schools):
Liberty Middle School  

8th Grade – (618) 655-6800 ext. 22101 
7th Grade – (618) 655-6800 ext. 22107 
6th Grade – (618) 655-6800 ext. 22102 

Lincoln Middle School  
8th Grade – (618) 656-0485 ext. 21219 
7th Grade – (618) 656-0485 ext. 21215 
6th Grade – (618) 656-0485 ext. 21227 

Edwardsville High School  
12th Grade – (618) 656-7100 ext. 20129 
11th Grade – (618) 656-7100 ext. 20166 
10th Grade – (618) 656-7100 ext. 20164
9th Grade – (618) 656-7100 ext. 20159